

Ikeda E, Goto T, Gunjigake KK, Kuroishi KN, Ueda M, Kataoka S, Toyono T, Nakatomi M, Seta Y, Kitamura C, Nishihara T, Kawamoto T. Expression of vesicular nucleotide transporter in rat odontoblasts, Acta Histochemica et Cytochemica, in press.

Ueda M, Goto T, Kuroishi KN, Gunjigake KK, Ikeda E, Kataoka S, Nakatomi M, Toyono T, Seta Y, Kawaoto T. Asporin in compressed periodontal ligament cells inhibits bone formation. Archives of Oral Biology, in press.

Unzai T, Kuramoto E, Kaneko T, Fujiyama F. Quantitative analysis of the projection of individual neurons from the midline thalamic nuclei to the striosome and matrix compartments of the rat striatum. Cerebral Cortex; in press.

Tsukahara T, Masuhara M, Iwai H, Sonomura T, Sato T. Repeated stress-induced expression pattern alterations of the hippocampal chloride transporters KCC2 and NKCC1 associated with behavioral abnormalities in female mice. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2015; 465 (1): 145-51.

Ozeki K, Goto T, Aoki H, Matsuzawa. Influence of the crystallinity of a suputtered hydroxyapatite film on its osteocompatibility. Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering 26, 139-147, 2015.

Yamanaka A, Iwai H, Uemura M, Goto T. Patterning of mammalian heterodont dentition within the upper and lower jaws. Evol Dev 2015; 17: 127-138.

Iwai H, Kuramoto E, Yamanaka A, Sonomura T, Uemura M, Goto T. Ascending parabrachio-thalamo-striatal pathways: Potential circuits for integration of gustatory and oral motor functions. Neuroscience 2015; 294: 1-13.

Kuramoto E, Ohno S, Furuta T, Unzai T, Tanaka YR, Hioki H, Kaneko T.Ventral medial nucleus neurons send thalamocortical afferents more widely and more preferentially to layer 1 than neurons of the ventral anterior-ventral lateral nuclear complex in the rat. Cerebral Cortex 2015 25(1):221-235.

Yamanaka A, Iwai H, Kuramoto E, Goto T. Three-dimensional gene expression pattern reconstructed from serial section in situ hybridization. 鹿児島大学歯学部紀要 2015; 35: 87-92.

後藤哲哉:神経系の骨芽細胞分化・機能への関与について. 鹿児島大学歯学部紀要 2015; 35: 45-52.

Kanda T, Tsujino N, Kuramoto E, Koyama Y, Susaki EA, Chikahisa S, Funato H. Sleep as a biological problem: an overview of frontiers in sleep research. The Journal of Physiological Science 2015; 66: 1-13.

Ozeki K, Goto T, Aoki H, Masuzawa T. Characterization of Sr-substituted hydroxyapatite thin film by sputtering technique from mixture targets of hydroxyapatite and strontium apatite. Biomed Mater Eng.24(2):1447-56, 2014.

Nagao S, Goto T, Kataoka S, Toyono T, Egusa H, Yatani H, Maki K. Expression of neuropeptide receptor mRNA during osteoblastic differentiation of mouse iPS cells. Neuropeptides 48, 399-406, 2014.

後藤哲哉:デンタルインプラントにおけるオッセオインテグレーション。「バイオミネラリゼーション〜結晶学から臨床まで〜」CLINICAL CALCIUM 24巻2号、109-115, 2014.

後藤哲哉:マウスiPS細胞から骨芽細胞への分化過程における神経ペプチの受容体の発現について。日本口腔組織培養学会雑 2014; 23(2)、1-8.