Professor Tatsuro TANAKA
Associate Professor Hiroko INDO
Senior Assistant Professor Masaaki MIYAKOSHI
Senior Assistant Professor Yuusuke KAWASHIMA
Assistant Professor Yoshihiro KAWABATA
Clerical Staff Yoshiko SOTOKAWAUCHI
  1. Computer-aided diagnostic studies for the dento-maxillo regions using CT,MRI, and nuclear imaging
  2. The studies for diagnosis for TMJ disease
  3. The studies for cancer treatments
  4. Investigative studies for cosmic-ray Exposure effect onhuman body
  5. Investigative studies for mechanism of reactive oxygen related diseases
  6. Studies for mechanism of mitochondria related diseases
Correspondence Department of Maxillofacial Radiology,
Field of Oncology, Advanced Therapeutic Course,
Graduate school of Medical and Dental Sciences, Kagoshima University

Sakuragaoka 8-35-1, Kagoshima 890-8544, Japan
Contact Tel. +81-99-275-6272 / Fax. +81-99-275-6278