Kagoshima University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences,
Department of Space Environmental Medicine

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ライフサイエンス実験 Neuro Rad (http://kibo.jaxa.jp/experiment/theme/first/neurorad/)

神経細胞を使って宇宙放射線の影響を調べる宇宙実験"Neuro Rad"が終了


SPACE@NAVI-Kibo WEEKLY NEWS 103 (http://iss.jaxa.jp/library/video/spacenavi_wn100519.html)
 鹿児島大学宇宙実験「Neuro Rad実験」についての野口宇宙飛行士が解説を交えての動画レポート



理工学研究科博士課程2年の丸山健太君が国際宇宙大学(ISU)のサマー・セッション・プログラム(中国 北京 2007625日〜824)に参加しました。

理工学研究科博士課程2年の丸山健太君が国際宇宙大学(ISU)のサマー・セッション・プログラム(中国 北京 2007年6月25日?8月24日)に参加しました。

第9回鹿児島心臓欠陥研究会にて、ロシアより宇宙飛行士のOleg U. Atkov氏が講演されました。


馬嶋秀行 教授
丸山征郎 教授
小宮節郎 教授
鄭 忠和 教授
石岡憲昭 客員教授(宇宙航空研究開発機構・教授)
山崎 丘 客員教授(宇宙航空研究開発機構・主任研究員)
東端 晃 客員助教授(宇宙航空研究開発機構・助教)

〒890-8544 鹿児島市桜ヶ丘八丁目35番地1号
TEL 099-275-6270 (講座長 馬嶋秀行教授)
FAX 099-275-6278
8-35-1, Sakuragaoka, Kagoshima-city, Kagoshima 890?-8544, JAPAN
Phone : +81-99-275?6270 (Chief Professor Hideyuki J. MAJIMA)
Facsimile : +81-99-27?-6278
e-mail : hmajima@dent.kagoshima-u.ac.jp



2009年6月7-11日にロシアのモスクワで開催されましたThe 17th IAA Humans in Space Symposiumにて発表しました。
Hideyuki J. Majima, Hiroko P Indo, Kazuo Tomita, Yoichiro Iwashita, Hiromi Suzuki, Daisuke Masuda, Toru Shimazu, Akira Higashibata, Noriaki Ishioka: Gene expression analysis by RT-PCR for human neuron-like cells exposed to cosmic rays, 17th IAA Humans in Space Symposium, Moscow, Russia, June 7-11, 2009.

2008年2月20-22日にフランスStrasbourgで開催されましたThe 12th International Space University (ISU) Annual Symposiumにて発表しました。
Hideyuki J. Majima, Hiroko P Indo, Kazuo Tomita, Yoichiro Iwashita, Hiromi Suzuki, Akira Higashibata, Noriaki Ishioka. Involvement of Mitochondria and Downregulation of HSP and FOXM1 Gene Expressions in Low Dose Irradiation and Micro Gravity Exposure in Human Neuron-like Cell Lines, NB-1 and SK-N-SH. The 12th International Space University (ISU) Annual Symposium, Strasbourg, France, Feb 20-22, 2008.

2007年2月21-23日にフランスStrasbourgで開催されましたThe 11th International Space University (ISU) Annual Symposiumにて発表しました。
Hideyuki J. Majima, Hiroko P Indo, Kazuo Tomita, Yoichiro Iwashita, Hiromi Suzuki, Akira Higashibata, Noriaki Ishioka. Gene Expression Change by Space Radiation Exposure and Estimation of their Risk using Human Neuron-like Cell Line, NB-1. The 11th International Space University (ISU) Annual Symposium, Strasbourg, France, Feb 21-23, 2007.

23-4日に札幌で開催されましたInternational space medicine symposium in Sapporo 2007で招待講演を行いました。

 Hideyuki J. Majima, Gene expression profiles of human neuron-like cells exposed to cosmic ray and microgravity. Do the results predict the risk ? International space medicine symposium in Sapporo 2007, Sapporo, Japan, Feb 3-4, 2007.


Ohira Y, Kawano F, Wang XD, Lan YB, Ishihara A, Iwashita Y, Majima HJ, Nonaka I: Load-dependent growth of rat tibia, 35th Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), Paris, France, July 18-25, 2004. 




Effects of hindlimb suspension or 2-G loading from the postnatal day 4 to month 3 followed by 3 month recovery on tibia and ankle joint mobility were investigated in rats. The dorsiflexion of the ankle was inhibited in the suspended group and such phenomena were irreversible. The growth-related increases of weight and bone mineral density were inhibited by unloading. They were increased gradually, but did not reach the age-matched control levels even after 3 months. Growth of bone length was not affected by unloading. External bending of the shaft and rotation of distal end of tibia were observed in the suspended group and these phenomena did not recover at all. It was suggested that the inhibited dorsiflexion of ankle joints was closely related to such morphological changes. It was further suggested that the unloading-related changes in bone morphology may be caused by abnormal mechanical stress applied by muscles with altered patterns. None of the parameters were influenced by 2-G loading, may be because the mechanical stress applied to bones could be identical at 1- and 2-G, if the rats maintain their posture in a recumbent position with fully dorsiflexed ankle joints.




 Majima HJ, Iwashita Y, Komiya S, Maruyama I, Higashibata A, Ishioka N, Ohira Y: Recovery of Bone Mineral and Morphology in Growing Rat Leg Bone after Hindlimb Unloading, 24th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science (ISTS), Miyazaki, Japan, May 30-June 6, 2004.




   Changes of bone mineral contents (BMC) after the hind-limb unloading and during reloading were studied in 4-day old Wister rat.  The hindlimb suspension (HS) was performed for 3 months, thereafter recovery was allowed for up to 3 months.  The BMC of the tibia in HS were significantly lower than in the control group at the end of HS period.  BMC of the tibia in HS increased but remained significantly lower than the control group throughout 3 month recovery period, although BMC and radius of the fibula and shape of tibia in HS returned to the control level.




3) 9回鹿児島心臓欠陥研究会て、鄭 忠和教授の座長により、ロシアの宇宙飛行士Oleg U. Atkov氏が講演されました。

日 時:平成16521日(金曜日)8

場 所:鹿児島大学医学部「鶴陵会館」



演 者:Oleg UAtkovMD

     Professor of Medicine and Head of the Depertment

     Russian State Medical UniversityMoscow


Oleg U. Atkov氏      座長 鄭 忠和教授




   All Union Cardiology Research Center 教授




















 また閉鎖密閉社会での心理面の研究をして、宇宙環境での心身両面での健康を     支援する方策を立案します。












    馬嶋秀行 教授


氏   名:馬嶋秀行 MAJIMA Hideyuki

生 年 月:1955年2月


最終 学歴:日本大学大学院歯学研究科1983年3月修了

学   位:歯学博士(日本大学)1983年3月

所属学会等:日本医学放射線学会、日本歯科放射線学会(理事) 、日本放射線腫瘍学会、日本放射線影響学会(元幹事) 、日本癌学会、日本癌治療学会、日仏生物学会、基礎錯体工学研究会 (運営委員)、日本酸化ストレス学会(理事) 、日本ミトコンドリア学会(常任理事)、日本NO学会(評議員)、日本口腔科学会(評議員)、臨床ストレス応答学会(幹事) 、Society for Free Radical Biology & Medicine (U.S.A.)The Mitochondria Research Society (U.S.A.)The Mitochondrial Medicine Society (U.S.A.)Society of Free Radical Research-Asia (Treasurer)Asian Society of Mitochondrial Research and Medicine

専門 分野:放射線学


 ○ミトコンドリア学 ○Mn-SODの放射線感受性に及ぼす効果 ○宇宙放射線細胞障害


研究 業績:

1. Nagayama K, Suenaga S, Nagata J, Takada H, Majima HJ, Miyawaki S: Clinical significance of magnetization transfer contrast imaging for edematous changes in masticatory muscle. J Comput Assist Tomogr, 34(2): 233-241, 2010.

2. Majima HJ, Indo HP, Tomita K, Iwashita Y, Suzuki H, Masuda D, Shimazu T, Tanigaki F, Umemura S, Yano S, Fukui K, Higashibata A, Yamazaki TQ, Kameyama M, Suenaga S, Sato T, Yen H-C, Gusev O, Okuda T, Matsui H, Ozawa T, Ishioka N: Bio-assessment of risk in long-term manned space exploration ? cell death factors in space radiation and/or microgravity: a review -. Biol Sci Space, 23(2): 43-53, 2009.

3. Lee C, Nishihara K, Okawachi T, Iwashita Y, Majima HJ, Nakamura N: A quantitative radiological assessment of outcomes of autogenous bone graft combined with platelet-rich plasma in the alveolar cleft, Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 38(2):117-25, 2009.

4. Shimokawa O, Matsui H, Nagano Y, Kaneko T, Shibahara T, Nakahara A, Hyodo I, Yanaka A, Majima HJ, Nakamura Y and Matsuzaki Y: Neoplastic transformation and induction of H+,K+-adenosine triphosphatase by N-methyl-N'-nitro-Nnitrosoguanidine in the gastric epithelial RGM-1 cell line. In Vitro Cell. & Develop. Biol., Animal, 44(1-2):26-30, 2008.

5. Nong Q, Komatsu M, Izumo K, Indo HP, Xu B, Aoyama K, Majima HJ, Horiuchi M, Morimoto K and Takeuchi T: Involvement of reactive oxygen species in MCLR-induced cytogenotoxicity. Free Rad. Res.41(12):1326-1337, 2007.

6. Indo HP, Davidson M, Yen H-C, Suenaga S, Tomita K, Nishii T, Higuchi M, Koga Y, Ozawa T, Majima HJ: Evidence of ROS generation by mitochondria in cells with impaired electron transport chain and mitochondrial DNA damage. Mitochondrion 7(1-2): 106-118, 2007.

7. Majima HJ, Indo HP, Tomita K, Suenaga S, Motoori S, Kato H, Yen H-C, Ozawa T. Intracellular oxidative stress caused by ionizing radiation, In Oxidative Stress, Disease and Cancer, ed. Singh K., Imperial College Press, London, UK, 61-83, 2006.

8. Ohira Y, Kawano F, Wang XD, Sudoh M, Iwashita Y, Majima HJ, Nonaka I: Irreversible morphological changes in leg bone following chronic gravitational unloading of growing rats. Life Sci 79(7):686-694, 2006.

9. Yen HC, Tang YC, Chen FY, Chen SW, Majima HJ. Enhancement of Cisplatin-induced apoptosis and caspase 3 activation by depletion of mitochondrial DNA in a human osteosarcoma cell line. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1042: 516-522, 2005.

10. Kakinuma S, Nishimura M, Kubo A, Nagai J, Amasaki Y, Majima HJ, Sado T, Shimada Y: Frequent retention of heterozygosity for point mutations in p53 and Ikaros in N-ethyl-N- nitrosourea-induced mouse thymic lymphomas, Mutation Research, 572, 132–-141, 2005.

11. Yen HC, Chang HM, Majima HJ, Chen FY, Li SH: Levels of reactive oxygen species and primary antioxidant enzymes in WI38 versus transformed WI38 cells following bleomcyin treatment. Free Radic Biol Med. 38(7):950-9, 2005.

12. Ijiri K, Tsuruga H, Sakakima H, Tomita K, Taniguchi N, Shimo-Onoda K, Komiya S, Goldring MB, Majima HJ, Matsuyama T: Increased expression of humanin peptide in diffuse type pigmented villonodular synovitis: implication of its mitochondrial abnormality. Ann Rheum Dis. 2004 (Nov 26th on line).

13. Kariyazono H, Nakamura K, Arima J, Ayukawa O, Onimaru S, Masuda H, Iguro Y, Majima HJ, Sakata R and Yamada K: Evaluation of anti-platelet aggregatory effects of aspirin, cilostazol and ramatroban on platelet-rich plasma and whole blood. Blood Coagulation & Fibrinolysis 15(2):157-67, 2004.

14. Hirai F, Motoori S, Kakinuma S, Tomita K, Indo HP, Kato H, Yamaguchi T, Yen H-C, St.Clair DK, Nagano T, Ozawa T, Saisho H and Majima HJ: Mitochondrial Signal Lacking Manganese Superoxide Dismutase Failed to Prevent Cell Death by Reoxygenation following Hypoxia in a Human Pancreatic Cancer Cell Line, KP4. Antioxidant & Redox Signaling, 6(3): 523-535,2004.

15. Kakinuma S, Kubo A, Amasaki Y, Nojima K, Monobe M, Majima H, Imaoka T, Nishimura M, Shimada Y: Loss of heterozygosity in heavy-ion-induced murine T-cell lymphomas, Biological Siences in Space, 17(3), 187, 2003.

13. Yen H-C, Nien C-Y, Majima HJ, Lee C-P, Chen S-Y, and Wei J-S: Increase of Lipid Peroxidation by Cisplatin in WI38 but not in SV40-transformed WI38 cells. J. Biochem. Mol. Toxicol. 17(1):1-8, 2003.

14. Setsukinai K, Urano Y, Kakinuma K, Majima HJ, Nagano T: Development of novel fluorescence probes that can reliably detect reactive oxygen species and distinguish specific species. J Biol Chem. 278(5):3170-3175, 2003.

15. Koike S, Ando K, Oohira C, Fukawa T, Lee R, Takai N, Monobe M, Furusawa Y, Aoki M, Yamada S, Shimizu W, Nojima K, Majima H: Relative biological effectiveness of 290 MeV/u carbon ions for the growth delay of a radioresistant murine fibrosarcoma. J Radiat Res (Tokyo). 43(3):247-255, 2002.

16. Majima HJ, Nakanishi-Ueda T, Ozawa T: 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (4-HNE) staining by anti-HNE antibody. Methods Mol Biol. 196:31-4, 2002.

17. Zhao Y, Xue Y, Oberley TD, Kiningham KK, Lin S, Yen H-C, Majima H, Hines J and St. Clair D: Overexpression of MnSOD suppresses tumor formation by modulation of AP-1 signaling in a multistage skin carcinogenesis model. Cancer Res. 61: 6082-6088, 2001.

18. Motoori S, Majima HJ, Ebara M, Kato H, Hirai F, Kakinuma S, Yamaguchi C, Ando K, Ozawa T, Nagano T, Tsujii H, and Saisho H: Overexpression of mitochondrial manganese superoxide dismutase protects against radiation-induced cell death in the human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line, HLE.  Cancer Res. 61:5382-5388, 2001.

19. Ando K, Furusawa Y, Suzuki M, Nojima K, Majima H, Koike S, Aoki M, Shimizu W, Futami Y, Ogino T, Murayama S, and Ikeda H: Relative Biological Effectiveness of the 235 MeV proton beams at the National Cancer Hospital East.  J. Radiat. Res.  42:79-89, 2001.

20. Ando S, Nojima K, Ishihara H, Suzuki M, Ando M, Majima H, Ando K, and Kuriyama T: Induction by Carbon-ion irradiation of the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in lung carcinoma cells.  Int. J. Radat. Biol. 76:1121-1127, 2000.

21. Durante M, Yamada S, Ando K, Furusawa Y, Kawata T, Majima H, Nakano T and Tsujii H: X-rays vs. Carbon-ion tumor therapy: cytogenetic damage in lymphocytes. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 47:793-798, 2000.

22. Yamada S, Durante M, Ando K, Furusawa Y, Kawata T, Majima H, and Tsujii H: Complex-type chromosal exchanges in blood lymphocytes during radiation therapy correlate with acute toxicity.  Cancer Letters 150: 215-221, 2000.

授業 科目:宇宙環境生物学、宇宙環境生物学特論演習、宇宙環境生物学特論実験、宇宙環境医学概論

E メール: hmajima@dent.kagoshima-u.ac.jp

電   話:099-275-6270

そ の 他:宇宙航空研究機構(JAXA)より、2007年国際宇宙ステーション実験に採択され、研究中。ヒト神経細胞を打ち上げた実験が行われた。文部科学省宇宙開発委員会安全部会特別委員。




丸山征郎 教授


氏   名:丸山征郎 MARUYAMA Ikuro

生 年 月:1944年6月


最終 学歴:鹿児島大学医学部医学科1972年3月卒業

学   位:医学博士(鹿児島大学)1987年3月

所属学会等:日本血管生物学会(理事)、Vascular Medicine学会(理事)、日本血液学会(評議員)、日本臨床検査医学会(九州支部長)、日本内科学会、日本動脈硬化学会(評議員)、日本臨床化学会(評議員)、日本循環器学会、RAND研究会(幹事)、Cytoprotection研究会(理事)、国際動脈硬化学会(プログラム委員)、国際DIC委員会(日本代表委員)

専門 分野:神経内科学、血液内科学


 ○トロンボモジュリン/トロンビン受容体の発現調節と血栓発症のメカニズム ○アポトーシス


研究 業績:

1. Sarker KP, Biswas KK, Yamakuchi M, Lee KY, Hahiguchi T, Kracht M, Kitajima I, Maruyama I. ASK1-p38 MAPK/JNK signaling cascade mediates anandamide- induced PC12 cell death. J Neurochem. 2003;85(1):50-61.

2. Yamaji K, Sarker KP, Kawahara K, Iino S, Yamakuchi M, Abeyama K, Hashiguchi T, Maruyama I. Anandamide induces apoptosis in human endothelial cells: its regulation system and clinical implication. Thromb Haemost. 2003; 89:875-84

3. Taniguchi N, Kawahara K, Yone K, Hashiguchi T, Yamakuchi M, Goto M, Inoue K, Yamada S, Ijiri K, Matsunaga S, Nakajima T, Komiya S, Maruyama I. High Mobility Group Box Chromosomal Protein 1 Plays a Role in the Pathogenesis of Rheumatoid Arthritis as a Novel Cytokine. Arthritis & Rheumatisum. 2003;48(4):971-981

4. Uchimura T, Motomiya Y, Okamura H, Hashiguchi T, Miura M, Uji Y, Iwamoto H, Maruyama I. Marked increases in macrophage colony-stimulating factor and interleukin-18 in maintenance hemodialysis patients: comparative study of advanced glycation end products, carboxymethyllysine and pentosidine. Nephron. 2002;90(4):401-7.

5. Kawabata H, Kawahara K, Kanekura T, Araya N, Daitoku H, Hatta M, Miura N, Fukamizu A, Kanzaki T, Maruyama I, Nakajima T. Possible role of transcriptional coactivator P/CAF and nuclear acetylation in calcium induced keratinocyte differentiation. J Biol Chem 2002; 270 (10): 8099-8105.

6. Kubo T, Miyata M, Minagoe S, Setoyama S, Maruyama I, Tei C. A simple oscillometric technique for determining new indices of arterial distensibility. Hypertens Res. 2002; 25(3): 351-8.

7. Kanekura T, Maruyama I, Kanzaki T. Granulocyte and monocyte adsorption apheresis for pyoderma gangrenosum. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2002;47(2):320-1.

8. Obara S, Nakata M, Takeshima H, Kuratsu J, Maruyama I, Kitajima I. Inhibition of migration of human glioblastoma cells by cerivastatin in association with focal adhesion kinase (FAK). Cancer Lett. 2002;185(2):153-61.

9. Yamaji K, Sarker KP, Maruyama I, Hizukuri S. Antioxidant effects of 1,5-Anhydro- D-fructose, a new natural sugar, in vitro. Planta Med. 2002;68:16-19.

10. Nishimura S, Maeno N, Matsuo K, Nakajima T, Kitajima I, Saito H, Maruyama I. Human lactiferous mammary gland epithelial cells produce Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) and express its receptors, flt-1 and Flk-1/KDR. Cytokine 2002;18(4):191-8

11. Tezono K, Sarker KP, Kikuchi H, Nasu M, Kitajima I, Maruyama I. Bioactivity of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) trapped in fibrin clot:production of IL-6 and IL-8 on monocytes by fibrin clot. Haemostasis 2001;31:71-79.

12. Yoneda T, Maruyama Y, Uji Y, Motomiya Y, Hashiguchi Y, Miura M, Kitajima I, Maruyama I. A possible role of leptin in the normo or hypoparathyroidism uremic bone in postmenopausal dialysis women. J. Bone Miner. Metab. 2001;19:119-124

13. Liu Y, Wang Y, Yamakuchi M, Isowaki S, Nagata E, Kanmura Y, Kitajima I, Maruyama I. Up-regulation of Toll-like receptor 2 gene expression in macrophage response to peptidoglycan and high concentration of lipopolysacchartide is involved in NF-kappa-B actication. Infection. Immunity 2001; 69:2788-2796

14. Wang Y, Liu Y, Ito Y, Hashiguchi T, Kitajima I, Yamakuchi M, Shimizu H, Matsuo S, Imaizumi H, Maruyama I. Simultaneous Measurement of Anandamide and 2-Arachidonoylglycerol by Polymyxin B-Selective Adsorption and Subsequent High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Analysis: Increase in Endogenous Cannabinoids in the Sera of Patients with Endotoxic Shock. Analytical Biochemistry. 2001; 294:73-82

15. Motomiya Y, Iwamoto H, Uji Y, Higashi T, Uchimura T, Maruyama I. Potential value of CML-Hb in predicting the progression of bone cysts in dialysis-related amyloidosis. Nephron. 2001;89(3):286-290.

16. Maruyama I, Nakata M, Yamaji K. Effect of leptin in platelet and endothelial cells; Obesity and arterial thrombosis. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2000;902:315-319.


授業 科目:宇宙筋・骨代謝医学、宇宙循環制御学、宇宙環境生理学特論演習、宇宙環境生理学特論実験、宇宙環境医学概論

E メール:rinken@m3.kufm.kagoshima-u.ac.jp

電   話:099-275-5437

そ の 他:




小宮節郎 教授


氏   名:小宮節郎 KOMIYA Seturo

生 年 月:1952年5月


最終 学歴:久留米大学医学部医学研究科198210月修了

学   位:医学博士(久留米大学)198210


専門 分野:四肢・脊椎骨軟部腫瘍、股関節外科、関節リウマチ


 ○骨肉腫:(1)遺伝子治療 (2)癌免疫治療 (3)細胞内情報伝達制御による治療 (4)遺伝子導入による分化誘導療法 ○リウマチ:(1)負の炎症制御遺伝子 (2)軟骨ノックアウト遺伝子 ○骨吸収疾患・骨粗鬆症:破骨細胞分化制御遺伝子 ○神経:神経分化制御遺伝子


研究 業績:

1. Shouda T, Yoshida T, Hanada T, Wakioka T, Oishi M, Miyoshi K, Komiya S, Kosai K, Hanakawa Y, Hashimoto K, Nagata K, Yoshimura A. Induction of the cytokine signal regulator socs3/cis3 as a therapeutic strategy for treating inflammatory arthritis. J Clin Invest 108, p1781 (2001)

2. Wakioka T, Sasaki A, Kato R, Shouda T, Matsumoto A, Miyoshi K, Tsuneoka M, Komiya S, Baron R, Yoshimura A. Spred is sprouty-related suppressor of Ras signaling. Nature 412, p647 (2001)

3. Yokouchi M, Kondo T, Sanjay A, Houghton A, Yoshimura A, Komiya S, Zhang H, Baron R. Src-catalyzed phosphorylation of c-Cbl leads to the independent ubiquitination of both proteins. J Biol Chem 276, p35185 (2001)

4. Maeda S, Ishidou Y, Koga H, Taketomi E, Ikari K, Komiya S, Takeda J, Sakou T, Inoue I. Functional impact of human collagen alpha2(XI) gene polymorphism in pathogenesis of ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament of the spine. J Bone Miner Res 16, p948 (2001)

5. Yokouchi M, Wakioka T, Sakamoto H, Yasukawa H, Ohtsuka S, Sasaki A, Ohtsubo M, Valius M, Inoue A, Komiya S, Yoshimura A. APS, an adaptor protein containing PH and SH2 domains, is associated with the PDGF receptor and c-Cbl and inhibits PDGF-induced mitogenesis. Oncogene 18, p759 (1999)

6. Tsuji S, Hisaoka M, Morimitsu Y, Hashimoto H, Shimajiri S, Komiya S, Ushijima M, Nakamura T. Detection of SYT-SSX fusion transcripts in synovial sarcoma by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction using archival paraffin-embedded tissues. Am J Pathol 153, p1807 (1998)

7. Hashimoto S, Ochs RL, Komiya S, Lotz M. The linkage of chondrocyte apoptosis and cartilage degradation in human osteoarthritis. Arthritis Rheum 41, p1632 (1998)

8. Endo TA, Masuhara M, Yokouchi M, Suzuki R, Sakamoto H, Mitsui K, Matsumoto A, Tanimura S, Ohtsubo M, Misawa H, Miyazaki T, Leonor N, Taniguchi T, Fujita T, Kanakura Y, Komiya S, Yoshimura A. A new protein containing an SH2 domain that inhibits JAK kinases. Nature 387, p921 (1997)

授業 科目:宇宙筋・骨代謝医学、宇宙環境生理学特論演習、宇宙環境生理学特論実験

E メール:skomiya@khosp2.kufm.kagoshima-u.ac.jp

電   話:099-275-5379

そ の 他:





鄭 忠和 教授


氏   名:鄭 忠和 TEI Chuwa

生 年 月:1946年9月


最終 学歴:鹿児島大学医学部医学科1973年3月卒業

学   位:医学博士(鹿児島大学)1982年4月

所属学会等:日本心臓病学会(評議員、監事、FJCC)、日本循環器学会(評議員)、日本内科学会(評議員)日本心臓リハビリテーション学会(評議員)、日本超音波医学会(理事)、日本心エコー図学会(理事)、日本循環器学会(評議員)、日本内科学会(評議員)、日本心臓リハビリテーション学会(理事)、日本米国循環器学会(International Fellow)、米国心エコー図学会(Editorial Boad)、日本温泉気候物理学会(評議員)、日本老年病学会(評議員)、日本体質医学会(評議員)

専門 分野:内科学、循環器学、心エコー図学、心臓リハビリテーション


 ○心不全の新しい診断と治療 ○新しい心機能指標の開発(TEI Index) ○温熱療法の新しい臨床応用 ○血管機能の新しい評価 ○生活習慣病の診断・治療


研究 業績:

1. Repeated sauna treatment improves vascular endothelial and cardiac function in patients with chronic heart failure. Kihara T, Biro S, Imamura M, Yoshifuku S, Takasaki K, Ikeda Y, Otsuji Y, Minagoe S, Toyama Y, Tei CJ Am Coll Cardiol 39: 754-759, 2002

2. Effect of repeated sauna therapy on survival in TO-2 cardiomyopathic hamsters with heart failure. Ikeda Y, Biro S, Kamogawa Y, Yoshifuku S, Kihara T, Minagoe S, Tei CAm J Cardiol 343-345, 2002

3. Repeated thermal therapy improves impaired vascular endothelial function in patients with coronary risk factors. Imamura M, Biro S, Kihara T, Yoshifuku S, Takasaki K, Otsuji Y, Minagoe S, Toyama Y, Tei C: J Am Coll Cardiol 38: 1083-1088, 2001

4. Repeated thermal therapy upregulates arterial endothelial nitric oxide synthase expression in Syrian golden hamsters. Ikeda Y, Biro S, Kamogawa Y, Yoshifuku S, Eto H, Orihara K, Kihara T, Tei CJpn Circ J 65: 434-438, 2001

5. Life threatening left atrial thrombus in mitral stenosis. Tei C, Flecher AM:  Circulation 97:1647, 1998

6. Pressure and volume loading of the right ventricle have opposite effects on left ventricle?  Tei C, Dujardin K:  Circulation 94: 2307-2308, 1996

7. Doppler echocardiographic index for assessment of global right ventricular function. Tei C, Dujardin KS, Hodge DO, Bailey KR, McGoon MD, Tajik AJ, Seward JB:  J Am Soc Echocardiog 9: 838-847, 1996

8. Doppler index combining systolic and diastolic myocardial performance: Clinical value in cardiac amyloidosis. Tei C, Dujardin KS, Hodge DO, Kyle RA, Tajik AJ, Seward JB:  J Am Coll Cardiol 28: 658-664, 1996.

9. Acute hemodynamic improvement by thermal vasodilation in congestive heart failure. Tei C, Horikiri Y, Park JC, Jeong JW, Chang KS, Toyama Y, Tanaka N:  Circulation 91: 2582- 2590, 1995

10. Correlation of myocardial echo contrast disappearance rate (wash out) and severity of experimental coronary. Tei C, Kondo S, Meerbaum S, Ong K, Mauer G, Wood F, Sakamaki T, Shimoura K, Corday E, Shah PM:  J Am Coll Cardiol 3: 39-46, 1984


授業 科目:宇宙循環制御学、宇宙環境生理学特論演習、宇宙環境生理学特論実験、宇宙環境w概論

E メール:tei@med2.kufm.kagoshima-u.ac.jp

電   話:099-275-5316

そ の 他:



石岡憲昭 客員教授


氏   名:石岡憲昭 ISHIOKA Noriaki

生 年 月:昭和28年5月

所属・職名:宇宙環境医学講座・客員教授(現 宇宙航空研究開発機構・教授)

最終 学・:東京都立大学大学院理学研究科化学専攻(生化学)博士課程昭和58年 3月単位取得退学

学   位:理学博士(東京都立大学)昭和58年5月


専門 分野:



研究 業績:

1.      Izumi R, Oishi H, Yshizaki R, Ito I, Ishioka N, Higashibata A, Murase H, Inoue M, Kato K, Kawashima H, Soya H: Basic Technological Development for Drop-Tower Experiment on Vertebrate. Proceedings of Drop Days 2002 in Japan, 247-252, 2002.

2.      Ikenaga M, Hirayama J, Kato T, Kitao H, Han Z-B, Ishizaki K, Nishizawa K, Suzuki F, Cannon T.F., Fukui K, Shimazu T, Kamigaichi S, Ishioka N, Matsumiya H: Effect of Space Flight on the Frequency of Micronuclei and Expression of Stress-Responsive Proteins in Cultured Mammalian Cells. J. Radiat. Res. 43:Suppl., S141-S147, 2002.

3.      Ishihara A, Ohira Y, Tanaka M, Nishikawa W, Ishioka N, Higashibata A, Shimazu T, Ibata Y: Cell Body Size and Succinate Dehydrogenase Activity of Spinal Motoneurons Innervating the Soleus Muscle in Mice, Rats, and Cats. Neurochemical Research 26: 1301-1304, 2002.

4.      Ishioka N, Kurosu Y, Kuhara A, Kogure T, Ueno Y, Saito M, Watabe K, Nagaoka I: Differential Display Analysis of Gene Expression Accompanied by Neurite Outgrowth of Human Neuroblastoma Cell  IMR32 using Non-Gel  Molecular Sieving Capillary Elkectrophoresis. Analusis 27:166169, 1999.

5.      Sakasita K, Oonishi T, Ishioka N, Uyesaka N: Endothelin-1 Improves the Impaired Filterability of Red Blood Cells through the Activation of Protein Kinase C. Jpn J Physiol 49:113120, 1999.

6.      Kurosu Y, Murayama K, Shindo N, Shisa,N, Satou Y, Senda M, Ishioka N: Identification of Chirality of Phenylthiohydantoin-D-Amino Acid Residue of [D-Ala2]-Methionine Enkephalin by Capillary: Suppression and Control of Racemization Ratio in Edman Sequencing Method. J Liquid Chromatogr 21:31253137, 1998.

7.      Oonishi T, Sakashita K, Ishioka N, Suematsu N, Shio H, Uyesaka N: Production of Prostaglandins E1 and E2 by Adult Human Red Blood Cells. Prostaglandins & Other Lipid Mediators 56 (2):89101, 1998.

8.      Kurosu Y, Murayama K, Shindo N, Shisa N, Satou Y, Senda M, Ishioka N: Optical Resolution of Phenylthiohydantoin-Amino Acids and Identification of Phenylthiohydantoin-D-Amino Acid Residue of [D-Ala2]-Methionine Enkephalin by Capillary Electrophoresis. J Chromatogr A 802:129134, J Chromatogr A 802:129134, 1998.

9.      Saito M, Marumo K, Fujii K, Ishioka N: Single-Column High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic-Fluorescence Detection of Immature, Mature, and Senescent Cross-Links of Collagen. Analytical Biochem 253:2632, 1997.

10.Ishioka N, Kogure T, Kurosu Y: Detection  of A Genetic Variant, Lysin Glutamic Acid at Position 372 of Human Serum Albumin, by Capillary Electrophoresis and Structural Identification. J Chromatogr B 697:135140, 1997.


授業 科目:宇宙環境生物学、宇宙環境生物学特論演習、宇宙環境生物学特論実験、宇宙環境医学概論

E メール:ishioka.noriaki@jaxa.jp

電   話:029-868-3681

そ の 他:宇宙航空研究開発機構 宇宙科学研究本部 宇宙環境利用科学研究系生命科学 教授





山崎 丘 客員教授


氏   名:山崎 丘 YAMAZAKI Takashi

生 年 月:昭和44年7月

所属・職名:宇宙環境医学講座・客員教授(現 宇宙航空研究開発機構・主任研究員)

最終 学歴:東京工業大学大学院(修士課程)平成7年3月修了

学   位:理学博士(東京工業大学)


専門 分野:遺伝・ゲノム動態 分子生物学



研究 業績:

授業 科目:宇宙筋・骨代謝医学、宇宙循環制御学、宇宙環境生理学特論演習、宇宙環境生理学特論実験、宇宙環境医学概論

E メール:yamazaki.takashi@jaxa.jp

電   話:

そ の 他:





東端 晃 客員助教授


氏   名:東端 晃 HIGASHIBATA Akira

生 年 月:昭和459

所属・職名:宇宙環境医学講座・客員助教授(現 宇宙航空研究開発機構・助教)

最終 学歴:東京工業大学大学院生命理工学研究科バイオサイエンス専攻博士後期課程 


学   位:博士(理学)(東京工業大学)平成10年3月


専門 分野:



研究 業績:

1.      大石浩隆、東端晃、藤本信義、泉龍太郎、石岡憲昭、嶋津徹、福井啓二: STS-107ラットサンプルシェア研究、日本マイクログラビティ応用学会誌, 21, 26-32, 2004.

2.      石岡憲昭、東端晃、浅島誠: 宇宙生命科学の現状と今後、日本マイクログラビティ応用学会誌, 21, 68-73, 2004.

3.      Majima, M, Iwashita, Y, Komiya, S, Maruyama, I, Higashibata, A, Ishioka, N, Ohira, Y: Recovery of Bone Mineral and Morphology in Growing Rat Leg Bone after Hindlimb Unloading, Proceeding of the 24th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, 2004.

4.      Ishioka, N, Suzuki, H., Asashima, M., Kamisaka, S, Mogami, Y, Ochiai, T, Sachiko, Aizawa-Yano, Higashibata, A, Ando, N, Nagase, M, Ogawa, S, Shimazu, T, Fukui, K, Fujimoto, N: Experiment Hardware for Life Science on Japanese Experiment Module “Kibo” in the International Space Station, J. Gravitati. Physiol. in press, 2004.

5.      Ishihara, A., Kawano, F., Ishioka, N., Oishi, H., Higashibata, A., Shimazu, T., Ohira, Y.: Effects of Running Exercise during Recovery from Hindlimb Unloading on Soleus Muscle Fibers and their Spinal Motoneurons in Rats. Neurosci. Res., 48, 119-127, 2004.

6.      Ishihara, A., Kawano, F., Ishioka, N., Oishi, H., Higashibata, A., Shimazu, T., Ohira, Y.: Growth-related changes in cell body size and succinate dehydrogenase activity of spinal motoneurons innervating the rat soleus muscle. Int. J. Dev. Neurosci, 21, 461-469, 2003.

7.      Izumi, R., Oishi, H., Yoshizaki, R., Ito, I., Ishioka, N., Higashibata, A., Murase, H., Inoue, M., Kato, K., Kawashima , H., Soya, H.: Basic technological development for drop-tower experiments on vertebrate. Proceedings of Drop Tower Days 2002 in Japan, 247-252, 2002.

8.      Imamizo Sato, M., Higashibata, A., Ishioka, N.: Change of the gene expression related to a cytoskeleton cultured under gravity-vector changing. Biol. Sci. Space, 16, 203-204, 2002.

9.      Ishihara, A., Ohira, Y., Tanaka, M., Nishikawa, W., Ishioka, N., Higashibata, A., Izumi, R., Shimazu, T., Ibata, Y.: Cell Body Size and Succinate Dehydrogenase Activity of Spinal Motoneurons Innervating the Soleus Muscle in Micw, Rats, and Cats. Neurochemical Research, 26, 1301-1304, 2001.

10.  Higashibata, A., Imamizo, M., Ishioka, N.: Effects of gravity-vector changing for endothelial cells. Biol. Sci. Space, 15, 204-5, 2001..

11.  佐藤温重,東端晃: 細胞内シグナル伝達と微小重力、JSUP 宇宙環境利用の展望宇宙環境利用推進センター、2001.

12.  Higashibata, A., Fujiwara, T., Fukumori, Y.: Studies on the respiratory system in alkaliphilic Bacillus; a proposed new respiratory mechanism, Extremophiles, 2, 83-92, 1998.

13.  Higashibata, A., Fujiwara, T., Fukumori, Y.: Respiratory Chain of an Obligate Alkalophilic Bacillus YN-1. Proceeding of International Congress on Extremophiles ’98 .316-317, 1998.

授業 科目:宇宙環境生物学、宇宙環境生物学特論演習、宇宙環境生物学特論実験

E メール:higashibata.akira@jaxa.jp

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